When I then I

We often struggle to bring about change in ourselves – at work, in our habits, in health and in relationships. Human beings get stuck to their patterns and do not change until they are forced to. When we choose unhealthy eating and lack of exercise for a long time, we are forced to change only when the doctor tells us we need to or we have developed a chronic health problem.

Welcome the haters

I recently had a case at work where a leader decided on a bold new project despite a lot of objections from everyone around. The project looked high risk, had not been done before and was unclear on the risks. All the more reason to do it, said the leader. We all supported and we moved ahead.

Practice your practice

Today my yoga teacher used an interesting phrase – practice your practice. What she meant was to say define what it is that we want to devote ourselves to. Then devote ourselves to it and do it regularly with focus and commitment. There is a magic in the consistent devotional focus we can give something and the results this consistent practice can produce.

Gita lessons – Why does god act

When Arjuna the great warrior is confused on the battlefield and Lord Krishna is explaining to him his duties as a warrior, the Lord says ” Everyone must act as per their natural dharma or duties”


10X YOUR DAY IN 10 MINUTES How can you make your day super productive, positive, mindful and fulfilling ? We cannot control the challenges, distractions and frustrations that come our way everyday. We can however prepare our body, mind and spirit to handle them all with purpose, mindfulness and compassion. Here is a method to …

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10 failures 1 learning

10 FAILURES 1 LEARNING I recently decided to catalogue my failures. Areas in work and life where I feel I did not meet my goals and failed clearly. The list was long. Here is a few samples: Launched a book in college which hardly sold any copies Launched a magazine which went bust after 6 …

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We Must Act

WE MUST ACT In the great Indian epic Mahabharata two vast armies are arrayed in front of each other. The Kauravas, the 100 brothers who rule the kingdom of Hastinapur have vowed to kill their 5 cousins the Pandavas as they do not want the latter to come back to the kingdom to have their …

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SVADHARMA – Do your duty

SVADHARMADO YOUR DUTY Arjuna the greatest warrior ever born is on the battlefield. Next to him is his charioteer Lord Krishna. As he sees the field of this enemies, he recognizes many of them. They are his cousins the Kauravas, they are his teachers, his friends and those whom he has called family. Seeing that …

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Perfect the means

PERFECT THE MEANS The way to achieve any goal in life material or spiritual is to perfect the means. The means are the cause and the goal is the outcome. Many fail on the path of life because they focus excessively on the end goal or the vision that they have set out and do …

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